New Project!

Hi folks,

Just started playing again the past few days.

I’ve been considering doing some of the projects I’ve done on this blog, such as starting a fresh character and documenting how I go about making isk. But the real reason I’ve started playing again is that I’ve been working a lot with Amazon Web Services for work and it solves one of my issues with building any kind of nice set of tools – hosting is a pain, expensive(potentially) and I’m a bit of a control freak so I wasn’t prepared to do it without direct access to the server myself.

All in all, too much of a pain to bother doing for something with questionable amounts of gains of virtual money.

But now it’s more appealing for a couple of reasons:

  • I can refresh my skills at programming, which have atrophied over the years.
  • I can gain more familiarity using AWS. I’m pursuing certifications around AWS so this is useful for my career.
  • I can learn Java, which I’d like to know well to do mobile app development for Android.

The upside for you? I’m going to document the process like I’ve done with other projects in the past. If you have an inclination to take the API data from Eve Online and craft your own tools to provide you with specific information that no-one else has the toolset to acquire, you might be interested in following this as it progresses.

Otherwise I need to get to grips with all the patch changes since I last played, and figure out what I want to do. When I left I was a bit bored out in nullsec, so I might look for a new direction.


I’m back

Hi folks,

I’ve been playing again these last few months after leaving New Eden for a while, after my father passed away.

During my absence I played skill queue online, updating my skills every so often and paying for my accounts with plex purchased with isk. This has reduced my net worth considerably.

Currently I’m making enough isk with the following:

  • My invention corp in highsec, which has 4 characters producing t2 with 10 slots each. This is nice, steady, low risk, low investment income. It makes me about 1b per character per month, on an average earn of 200k isk per slot @ 66% efficiency. The efficiency is low to take into account wasted time from unoccupied slots. I do some t1 production as well where I have slots available and it is profitable.
  • I have 10 characters in a remote area of null doing PI. Run properly it makes me 18m per character per day, or 560m per character per month. It is a bit fiddly and click intensive, which makes me less inclined to do it. Combined with invention, I’m getting a lot of click fatigue.
  • I purchased a slightly pimped out Vindicator for ratting in Forsaken Hubs in Guristas nullsec, which earns me 45-60m bounty ticks before taxes plus loot and salvage. This is nice for making isk when my marketeering/manufacturing/planetary interaction is sorted for the day.
  • My partnership running 5 reaction towers, producing intermediate products like nanotransistors.

I am doing no trading of any sort right now, with the exception of selling my manufactured goods.

An example of a good day's manufacturing prospects.

An example of a good day’s manufacturing prospects.

This projects are slowly building my net worth back up. I have a few billion spare I can put towards new projects, and here is what I am considering:

  • Seeding the main market hub of my alliance, Gentlemen’s Agreement with goods.
  • Setting up a blueprint seeding project, moving BPOs to market hubs and selling them there.
  • Setting up a skillbook seeding project, moving skillbooks from schools to market hubs and selling them there.
  • Buy a Machariel.
  • Go back into station trading, which I loathe.

These options each have good points going for them.

  • Seeding a market hub is beneficial to my alliance.
  • Blueprint seeding is a simple business with good margins
  • Skillbook seeding is also a simple business with good margins.
  • Machariels are fun, and using one for exploration sidestep’s my corp tax which is rather high.
  • Station trading is rather profitable and easy to liquidate out of.

I’m going to chew the fat for a few days and pick a couple of these, and move into business with them after I’ve set up my spreadsheets and maybe code some tools to work with the project. I expect to get started around the 22nd, conveniently after Burn Jita 2.

2012 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

19,000 people fit into the new Barclays Center to see Jay-Z perform. This blog was viewed about 160,000 times in 2012. If it were a concert at the Barclays Center, it would take about 8 sold-out performances for that many people to see it.

Click here to see the complete report.

So now I’m the CEO of the 2nd biggest independent corp in New Eden

Update: Apparently we’re the largest FW entity


Sam Sabre, the founder of Fweddit stepped down yesterday and passed the CEO position to me, with the support of the director group. So now I’m the CEO of the second biggest independent corp, and fastest growing corp in Eve.

Shit. I think this calls for me to bring out an old image macro I used on a previous post:

Well, I have some idea. I’ve spent a few years now seeing amazing CEOs in action, so I’m going to do my best to emulate them and help steer Fweddit into being extremely effective.

On that note, I’m going to put the blog on hold for the next two weeks. I have fleet doctrines to finalise, a campaign to announce and run, and a million fires to put out… and finish coding stuff for our comms. I’ll take notes for the blog for when I have the time to come back, so hopefully I’ll have some great content then.

In the meantime, thanks for reading and if you have an active Reddit account, come check out Fweddit!


Getting into FW, and Fweddit

I really should have written this a week ago, but I’ve been busy. I’m writing it from a historical perspective


So based on feedback from previous blog post comments, I have decided to move into Faction Warfare with Hylora. The 2nd most popular request was exploration, and I’ll be doing that too to make some isk when needed. Exploration skills will also be nice for probing out people in Faction Warfare, I suspect.

I did some redditing on the Eve subreddit, reading up about FW and trying to learn about who is involved in it. The Eve subreddit is a great source for eve related info, and discussion. I love it.

Anyway, FW was getting considerable buzz on Reddit, and the wider internet. Then this happened.

And so Fweddit was born. I jumped in and set up the Fweddit subreddit, made corp founder and the guy who proposed the idea a mod, and jumped in with Hylora and joined the corp. Why? Well, I reddit a lot and would love to fly with other redditors, but I don’t want to join TEST. Secondly, a new corp of people who know little about FW but are very interested in FW is a great place for me to learn. I don’t want to gang with snobby bittervets who are disinclined with teaching less experienced players. Also, I can be an asset with my moderate knowledge of Eve in educating newer players than I. It seems a good fit.

For helping organising I was offered a directorship, and I accepted. Then I realised I bit off a little more than I can chew. I volunteered to set up the comms and other infrastructure for the corp, which is a bigger undertaking than I was thinking. Setting up a killboard, forum, jabber, mumble and the auth for all of it is a lot of work, and while I work in a technical field I haven’t been on the coal face for a few years. I’m over 30 now and have been managing for a few years now, and my code/sysadmin skills have atrophied. Still, one can rise to the challenge.

I had intended to blog in this week’s grace, I had between the the time I joined the corp, and the launch of the new FW changes. I was going to write about the old system and how it worked. I was going to write about the new system, and how LP and killmails will rain from the sky like so much ambrosia.

But instead, this is what I was doing for the week.

Oh well, such is life.


Exploration in FW space

So to pay the bills, I set Hylora up with an Arbitrator to do some exploration in lowsec. After much hemming and hawing on the fit, this is what I came up with:

This isn’t an ideal fit, but it does what I want. I can manage the vast majority of sites without docking to refit, which allows me to operate in hostile territory. It has an MWD, which gets me out of trouble in a lot of ways. If I had better fitting skills I could fit a medium cap booster, but a small is all I can manage so I have to make do. The cap booster does an ok job though, when fitted with navy cap booster 400 charges.

Best of all, it only costs about 19 million isk. I can cover that in a site I reckon, so its a pretty safe investment.

So, I fit it up and headed into space. I moved into the first system, set up a few safe spots, then moved back to the first safe and aligned to the next. This is important as if someone probes me out and I’ve been lazy and haven’t noticed the probes on scan, I’m not sitting at 0 where they warp in. I pulse the MWD to keep my speed up, which keeps me on the move and harder to pin down in case someone does get a fix on me. I’ve only been caught once by a very well piloted interceptor, and due to this technique he landed 40km off me and I was able to warp to my next safe spot before he got within 38km.

I deploy my probes and start probing. I can use 6 probes with my crappy skills, so I set them up into a cross with one floating above the cross to provide some z-axis triangulation data. This is very useful in narrowing down your sites quicker. I start big to cover as much of the system as possible, usually 32au, moving the probes so the ones on the outsides just touch the furthest probes with their range. You can move all the probes relative to the centre of your probing setup by holding ALT and dragging one probe. Likewise, you can hold shift and move all the probes at the same time. This is invaluable in saving time whilst probing. Time is money.

I scanned out the first few systems, finding nothing but wormholes. On my fourth system, I found a radar site, a Regional Blood Raider Backup Server. Googling the name of the site, I figure I can handle it and have the equipment, a Codebreaker I. Wait, my Hacking skill is at level 1. Shit. Oh well, lets see how it goes.

I went in, popped the rats with minimal struggle and set to hacking the cans. My error rate was high which was a little tedious, but I was in and out of the site within 20 minutes for the following reward:

My probes and ammo aside, that is worth about 16.5m or so. Not bad for 20 minutes in a t1 fit ship.

At this point I went back to highsec to dock up and work on comms stuff for Fweddit. Man, I have more respect than ever now for corp directors and the work they do. Since I helped found Fweddit, I’ve barely gone on any ops or roams, and have instead been setting up the forums, wiki, jabber, killboard, etc, etc, etc. Still, it shouldn’t take much longer until its fully established and I can delegate to volunteers.

The next day, I took off into the same area of space to see what I could find. The first 3 systems were dead, the 4th was crawling with Minmatar militia including the interceptor I mentioned earlier. The 5th system had a ton of sites, which I set about digging into.

The first I got a hit on was the Magnetometric site, Ransacked blood raider explosive debris. This time, I am more confident. Mag sites need salvagers and analyzers, and my Salvaging skill is at a mighty level 2, double that of my hacking skill. I get stuck in and clear the site, watching d-scan like a hawk, and salvage my way into the cans about the site. This was my reward for my efforts:

63m for one site is a bloody nice haul. I suspect this is on the high end of a magnetometric site’s profits, but I don’t have any experience to base this off.

Next, I snuck into a Ransacked blood raider ship remnants. I couldn’t find a decent info article on this on the web, so I dived in to see what it was like.

This site was much harder than the previous. Rats were spawned for every can I hacked, and there were more cruisers and higher quality ones to boot. I beavered on through it, salvaged the cans and this was what I got for it:

In other words, crap. I probably was quite unlucky with only getting one piece of low value t2 salvage. Still, averaging this out with the last site I’m getting 30m a site. This is nothing to be sneezed at.

I feel kinda bad doing exploration, now that we are in FW. I should be out working on taking down outposts with my corp mates, or failing at leading a gang if noone else if FCing. One has to pay the bills though, and lowsec exploration seems to be doing that for me admirably.